Yannes Belly Dance 分級肚皮舞課程 由淺入深 兒童成人適合 FB: Yannes Belly Dance
教學進修 / 舞蹈Yannes Bellydance Course 肚皮舞課程

Alex from mexico, more than 4 years of teaching experience.

本人為翻譯系畢業生,有多年私人補習經驗。 中小學,全科或專科皆可 時間彈性 互相遷就 東涌 牛頭角 觀塘 九龍灣 九龍城 其他地區可查詢
g教學進修 / 補習goodtutor

浪漫蜜語難宣於口?! 想把與另一半的共同經歷凝聚於永誌一舞wedding dance? 為婚禮賓客帶來驚喜,氣氛無限升溫,綿綿愛意立即upgrade!
A結婚 / 婚禮演奏AliceChan

Wedding & Function Live Band with Professional Musicians, both Filipino & Hong Kong Singers, Backup Vocalists & Audio Engineers. Plays Jazz, Blues, Pop, R&B, Dance and Classical music.
結婚 / 婚禮演奏Deans Live Music

Fitness,Hip Hop, Pop jazz & K-pop Private dance class (Group)

A highly qualified and enthusiastic Mathematics tutor, with 7 years of teaching and private tutoring experience in Oxford, London and Hong Kong, guaranteed to achieve the best possible results


A highly qualified and enthusiastic Mathematics tutor, with 7 years of teaching and private tutoring experience in Oxford, London and Hong Kong, guaranteed to achieve the best possible results for all

Showtime Dance Studio 2016限時爆抵優惠 新報名學跳舞憑此coupon可以 超級優惠價$50試玩一堂 或以$250任選4堂不同style課程 另外舊同學凡推薦一位新同學報名8堂或以上 均可獲贈1堂免費! 限時優惠,萬勿錯過啦! 2016最新老師及課堂 Danie - Girl Style@星期五6:00-7:30 Suki Lee - JazzFunk@星期六1:30-3:

Mexican teacher with experience in teaching for more than 5 years, well planned lessons for all kinds of students including kids, teenagers or adults

可為你錄制任何鋼琴音樂,鋼琴伴奏/教學,錄制任何婚禮鋼琴音樂, 音樂學院鋼琴學士,演奏級LTCL鋼琴老師,葵興地鐵上蓋三角琴教室,婚禮鋼琴伴奏, aural training, 樂理老師, 中提琴老師

運動及健身 / 健身Action Fitness

泰拳,帶氧拳擊,健體舞,瑜伽,普拉提,橡筋帶伸展,體能,PT, 自組班,公司班,團體班

Over 10 years experience teaching piano & theory for all ages, English & Cantonese

I am a Chinese,can speak fluent Cantonese,English and Korean. Having the teaching experience. Please contact me with the details.持流利普通話,廣東話,英語和韓語,有意者請電聯
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